Finger Print And Handwriting Analysis Bureau (FHAB) Thiruvananthapuram

(46 Years Of Experience) Approved by Hon'ble High Courts & Supreme Court of India

What We Can Do For You

Services we can offer for you

Solving any problem relating to fingerprints and all branches covering handwritings and documents of any nature, any where - no geographic - language limitations.

Fingerprint Analysis
Fingerprint Analysis
  • Normal Fingerprint analysis and comparison and furnishing expert opinions to Trial Courts/ other competent authorities etc, on specific request.
  • Identifying the person (s) (with exactitude), who committed impersonation.

Fingerprints / specimen writings recorded at open court halls, spot identifications made and opinions furnished in several cases in the same sitting of the court.

Handwriting Analysis
Handwriting Analysis
  • Identifying whether the same instrument was used for writing the whole matter/signature etc.
  • Identifying whether the signature in a disputed document is genuine or not.
  • Identifying the age of the signature - to see whether the date in the document and the signature of the genuine writer on that date agrees.

Solution provided to all matters related to Document examination and handwriting analysis. Expert opinions already furnished on scripts in English, Arabic, Czech, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada & Gujarathi.

Unique Specialised Studies
Unique Specialised Studies
  • Identifying whether the signature in a document is original or photostat.
  • If photostat, identifying whether the same photostat machine was used for making out all the sheets of a document.
  • Identify whether there is evidence to prove that one or more pages of a single document was prepared differently from others.
Case Consultancy

Leading second opinion case consultancy involving Khan Sahib

A short list of cases where second opinions have been given As per special orders of Hon'ble High Court of Kerala Matters of fingerprints and handwriting/signature etc Document Studies.

High Court Consultation

My Expert Opinions in 8 finger print matters and 13 signature matters In OP(Election) ....

Police Department Cases

35.Dist. Crime Bureau, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu Cr. No: 27/2011 u/s 420, 120 ....

Foreign Consultation

Retainer Finger Print & Handwriting Expert for M/s Charles Russell Law Firms ....


Comments from colleagues and others

" I have learned a great deal from his mentoring and training in the field of forensic document examination. His ideals and integrity are of the highest level and his pursuit of truth within a document sets a high standard for others to imitate. The field and the judicial system are both fortunate to benefit from his many talents and tenacious curiosity. "

Sharon Hampton
Sharon Hampton Document Examiner and Handwriting Analyst, USA

“With this background, credentials and competence, in my opinion it is clear that Mr Khan Sahib should be elevated to NADE Professional Member status, and I am hopeful that he will be so recognized. Mr Khan Sahib is mindful of maintaining high standards and responsibilities with integrity”

J. Wright Leonard
J. Wright Leonard Forensic Document Examiner, Philadelphia

“ In the event of deposit of the amount, the cheque shall be sent for second opinion to the said expert (Mr. Khan Sahib) and on receipt of the expert opinion the case shall be disposed as per law ”

P.S. Gopinathan
P.S. Gopinathan High Court of Kerala

“ Dear Khan, Thank you for your suggestions and input regarding photographing the documents and differentiating between inks ”

Reed Hays
Reed Hays Forensic Document Examiner, USA