Approved by Hon'ble High Courts & Supreme Court of India.
K.KHAN SAHIB. M.A. E.F.P.Sc. (M H A. Govt of India).
Professional, Member, N. A. D. E. ( U.S.A) - (The first and the only Indian).
Affiliate Member, British Institute of Graphologists, U.K (The first and the only Indian).
Honorary Member International Association of Document Examiners, Florida U.S.A. (The first and the only Indian).
Second Opinion Consultant on matters of handwriting studies (all branches of Document examination) and Fingerprint studies for the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala etc. (listed separately).
Consultant on the above two subjects for various Law Firms in several countries (listed separately).
Visiting Faculty on the above subjects for Judicial Officers, Police Officers, Law and Criminology students in various Government Institutions and Universities.
Consultant on the above two subjects for various Government undertakings in India - Police, Navy, Banks, Insurance Companies , Multi-national Companies etc.
Our Valuable Clients
The main clients are the Courts of Kerala and a few Central Governments, Organizations / Institutions.
High Court empowered Arbitrators.
Foreign Courts and Law Firms.
Multinational companies including BNP Paribas.
Nationalized Banks, Nationalized Insurance Companies.
Southern Naval Base, Kochi.